Thursday, April 2, 2009

a little something today...

''love isn't made''
my blue jeans are ripped at the seams
and my hair is all tied up in reams
i have a dollar for all my effed up dreams
and when i sleep the lovely screams

i took all your bull shit and ran
now we live in empty houses when we can
i like my covers heavy so i can turn on the fan
and in the morning we'll burn a brand new plan

love isn't made
it's grown
it's grown on hearts and hung on heels

i'm all alone but i have a little song
and i'm not in love but i've been loving you so long
i'm always at home as long as my heart beats along
and if death could speak it'd say you were strong

love isn't made
it's grown
it's grown on hearts and hung on heels
it's grown on hearts it's grown on hearts

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